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Thursday, April 25, 2013

School Library Month Shelf Challenge 2013 - Part Two

This has been a crazy week. I've been helping with TCAP testing. I counted booklets last week until my eyes were crossed! I did squeeze in a little reading last night. My "finds" ----

The first find I was excited about was Riptide by Frances Ward Weller. All I can say was BEAUTIFUL. I loved it. Wonderful story. If you don't have this one, I highly recommend it.

Secondly, I found My Brother Needs a Boa by Anne Weston. I love good snake stories. My kids love good snake stories. Wonderfully illustrated.

And finally I found Hurricane by David Wiesner. I love Tuesday by the same author, but had not read this one before. It's a homerun.

Now to find time for a little reading today...... At least it's the last day of testing!


  1. Hi Sara:

    So glad you stopped by my blog... because now I can follow YOU!
    Loved the book recommendations (Riptide is one of my favorites as well.)
    Happy almost-weekend...

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  2. Thank you! I found yours from Jen's blog. I'm so becoming a blog stalker. I find so many great ideas. Don't know how I taught my first 20 years without my blogger buddies!


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