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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Last Week of School!

It's finally here! The last week of school for 2012 - 2013. It seems like this week  year has flown by. This has been a year of firsts for me. I started using centers and  puppets in my library classes. I began blogging and following stalking other bloggers. (Should have started this one earlier!) I have a TPT store. I started my store because I couldn't find enough centers for my middle grades. Hey, if you make them, sell them!

Since my vacation started today, so begins my summer reading challenge. I had so much fun with the Shelf challenge I had to join another. Nerdy Book Club has a book a day challenge for summer vacation. Our vacation started last Thursday so I'm already a couple books behind, but today is Sunday. After church I'll get caught up.

List to read for this week:

Chapter books:

Notes from a Totally Lame Vampire by Tim Collins
Prince of Dorkness (More Notes from a totally Lame Vampire) by Tim Collins

Picture books:

Trust Me, Jack's Beanstalk Stinks! by Eric Braun
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick! by Lucille Colandro
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover! by Lucille Colandro
Bat Jamboree by Kathi Appelt
Emma Kate by Patricia Polacco
The Hard-Times Jar by Ethel Footman Smothers
Big Bad Wolves at School by Stephen Krensky

Non-Fiction Books:

Dinosaurs by Gail Gibbons
Artemis by Terri Temple
Katherine Stinson Otero - High Flyer by Neiler Skinner Petrick

Professional Books:

The Centered School Library by Cari Young (I just have to finish this one!)
Literacy Work Stations: Making Centers Work by Debbie Diller

It looks like a big list, but several are picture books. It shouldn't take a day or two right? Who needs to clean house! :)

Happy Reading!


  1. I love Cari Young, but I didn't know she actually had out a book! OMG!!! I've got to find it. Where did you buy it?

  2. It's on for S13.47, Upstart for 15.95 and I got mine though Follett's Titlewave for about 13.40 with my last book order! Love your site.

  3. I want to leave you a nice comment, but I am so bitter about you being on summer vacation so much earlier than me!!! ;) Enjoy your time relaxing and reading.

  4. Don't feel to good for me, I go back to school the first week of August. I am also presenting at an in-service in a week or so. No rest for the weary!


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