basketball and conferences, this was a busy week! Both of my boys play
basketball for their schools. It keeps me running in circles. If that was not enough
to keep me busy, I attended the Title Conference in Gatlinburg this week. Had a
blast! I went to Dr. Lester Laminack’s
sessions and laughed my head off. He’s always a joy and full of ideas for me to
use in the library. If you don’t have his books, I highly recommend them. His latest
picture book Three Hens and a Peacock is wonderful. I got
it this summer and used it in my summer reading program. I can’t wait for his
next one.
I also met Dr. Michael Shoulders, a very energetic author. He will do visits
at your school. I have his T for
Tennessee book but do not have T
is for Titanic. It’s on my list as of now. I’m looking forward to using
ideas from both sessions in my library. Have a great weekend.